Real Estate Tax Settlements

General Information

A tax settlement is the disbursement of the collected taxes to the appropriate political entities. For example, funds would be disbursed to the local township, the local school system and local library. The Auditor’s Office balances the amount collected to the penny in order to ensure that all entities receive the appropriate funds.

Settlements are completed and disbursed no later than 4 weeks after the due date. All funds are disbursed electronically.

Types of Available Reports

Summary Report

The summary report lists the amount each taxing entity will receive.

Statement of Semiannual Apportionment of Taxes

This report is the normal apportionment sheet sent to each taxing entity. The name of the entity is in the top right hand corner. The report lists the total taxes collected including the breakdown between all the levies, the total of all assessments and all fees deducted.

The Statement of Semiannual Apportionment of Taxes is a long report. Please reference the report key to locate the page number for each entity.

Statement of Special Assessments by Taxing Entity

This report is the second part of the Apportionment Report. The assessments are broken down by project including any fees deducted.

The Statement of Special Assessments by Taxing Entity is a long report. Please reference the report key to locate the page number for each entity.

Detail (including parcel #) of All Special Assessments by SPA number

This is the detail SPA report each entity can use to track individual payments including any fees deducted. It is sorted by project number then by parcel number. Enter the project number in the find window to locate the page.

Current Real Estate Settlement Reports

Below is a list of the current tax settlements completed by the Auditor’s Office. The Auditor’s Office will post all settlement reports and make them accessible for two years on this site for your reference.

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2023 Pay 2024

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2023 Pay 2024

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2022 Pay 2023

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2022 Pay 2023

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2021 Pay 2022

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2021 Pay 2022

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2020 Pay 2021

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2020 Pay 2021

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2019 Pay 2020

Due Date: 07/10/2020
Settlement Date: 08/04/2020
Summary Report
Statement of Semiannual Apportionment of Taxes
Statement of Special Assessments by Taxing Entity
Detail (including parcel #) of All Special Assessments by SPA number

The Statement of Semiannual Apportionment of Taxes is a long report. Please reference the report key to locate the page number for each entity.

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2019 Pay 2020

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2018 Pay 2019

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2018 Pay 2019

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2017 Pay 2018

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2017 Pay 2018

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2016 Pay 2017

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2016 Pay 2017

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2015 Pay 2016

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2015 Pay 2016

2nd Half Real Estate Settlement 2014 Pay 2015

1st Half Real Estate Settlement 2014 Pay 2015